Friday, 14 June 2013

How Oatmeal Is Beneficial For Your Skin

Oatmeal - surely you are not just met this word in recipes homemade cosmetics on our website or in other recipes cooking. And since not all are aware that it represents, below you will find out what oatmeal, from which it is made, and, of course, recipes from oatmeal masks , which can treat our skin - this is a long-known and conventional food product, is widespread in United States.

Actually, it was pre-revolutionary it owes its appearance. There is a kind of oat flour from grains or less of the grain of barley. Just do not confuse it with the usual ground oatmeal, because these products are characterized as a method for manufacturing, and beneficial properties. How is oatmeal: usually used for cooking oatmeal oats able to germinate. First, the grains are soaked for 1 day in running water (in ancient sack of grain was lowered into the flowing river, creek or deep).

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This allows oat kernels absorb moisture and prepares the grain to germinate. Then, the swollen grains are steamed or tormented in closed containers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C for about one day. Thereafter grain carefully dried in an oven browned was screened and purified from the film and is then pounded (not milled as in the case with conventional oat flour.) E fusion compare milled oat oatmeal and oat flour, that is distinguished by the first best taste (a bit like cocoa), and contains more nutrients and other beneficial substances.

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